Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Departure and see you soon

It is such an interesting feeling when you say "See you soon." to the person you love. It's sad but at the same time filled with hope and enthusiasm. It's sad because you don't want to leave. But it brings hope because you know you are going to see them in a short time. It's interesting... Why do we feel sad?

And why are we hopeful at the same time? How does this even work? Are we sad or are we in a state of transition? It's weird. Let's take every question and answer to them one by one.

Why do we feel sad? When we have this question we tend to say that the answer is easy. We are sad because we won't see that for a while. But what about the case where you leave only for a short time: a day, 12 hours etc? Are we overreacting?

Maybe... In some contexts I would say yes. But let's say no and see where does it lead.
It is a common expression to say that the person we love is our soul mate. Which is very beautiful.  This expression comes from Greek mythology and from the myth of the androgins. It is said that when Zeus after seeing that humans grow in strength and wisdom he decided to hit them with a lighting. After this the humans become man and woman. And every human has just a half of a soul, the other side being his destined one. It's romantic, and it actually explains why we are sad... But if we want to talk from a modern perspective some would say that saying goodbye even for a short time to the person you love takes you out of your safe zone. It might actually be true...

But why do we feel hope?

Here the answer is easy, because we dream of the beautiful moment when we will see them again, it's beautiful.

How does this even work? Now here it might look a little bit tricky. But actually it's not. When we are talking about feelings it's hard to make borders between them. Even if we separate them by their nature and by the area affecting your life, they are interconnected with one another which makes it very difficult to classify and understand alone.

So love naturally goes best with hope and happiness. But it goes very well with sadness too.
Honestly with a little bit of despair too. When you want to touch them but you can't it's a little bit depressing...

All in all, feelings are always a field of the unknown, they are anomalies that happen in our bodies, in our minds, but what would we be without them...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Introduction and beginning

Hello, my name is Mirel, and I am starting this blog, because I want to express myself easier, I want to make a journal that people can read, so the themes are going to be very different, because I am a Theologian, but also a letters man, I love philosophy and psychology. So my interests are wide. 
I will most likely write about things that I find interesting, thoughts that I have. And I am going to try to write as often as possible. 
I am going to write also about theology, psychology, philosophy, books, history, things that happen in the present and what`s my opinion about them. Also I really want you to ask me whatever you want me to talk about. 
In this article I am going to talk about beginning, because I find it very interesting, how starting something has so much power in our life. It doesn`t matter if we are young or old, only the availability to try something differences us, whenever when we start doing something we are excited. We are very happy, and I wonder why? 
Maybe it`s because is something that makes us escape from the daily routine that makes us feel bored. Or maybe is just something that we think we are going to be great at it. Or maybe even that this time it will be different. I ask myself the same question... Why did I even start this blog... I don`t really know, maybe because I don`t have many people with whom I can talk some interesting ideas, maybe I am bored... maybe I think I can do much more... I honestly don`t know. But what I am sure is that I am excited, and that this excitement might contain the solution to find out why I started doing this. 
You might ask me, what is he talking about, well I talk about the addiction of this feeling. I am addicted to excitement, I don`t want my life to be a boring routine, even if it brings me great financial stability. I don`t want to trade my happiness for money. If I can make money by doing what I love it`s cool, but if not, I am not very sure I am going to make it. I don`t know maybe it`s just me, but loving and being love is more important... I don`t know.

So from my point of view there are these three big reasons why we start things:
1. Because we want to escape the daily routine.
2. Because we think that this time it will change our life.
3. And because we want to have that feeling of excitement.